The Cathedral Foundation Archive
The Cathedral Foundation archive has been in existence since its institution in the year 948. It comprises the cathedral library and assigned contents of church libraries from Brandenburg province. Furthermore, the Foundation Archive practises an allocation function for endangered church archives and historical church libraries in the region. The archive possesses a significant collection of medieval documents.
Archive inventory
The Cathedral Foundation Archive provides an allocation function for endangered church archives and historical church libraries in the region. The Archive’s mission is to open up these sources and make them available for general use.
Archive inventory
- Bishops (Foundation) 948–1552
- Cathedral Chapter 1161–1945
- Cathedral Foundation from 1945
- Knights’ Academy 1704–1947
- 193 parochial archives and ephoral archives as allocations
- Inheritance and collections
Index of allocated church archives including church books (PDF, 261 KB)
Cathedral Foundation Library and Allocated Historical Church Libraries from the Brandenburg Region
Approximately 43,000 volumes, including:
- 12 medieval handwritten documents
- 246 incunabula
- approx. 6300 prints from the 16th century
- extensive works from the 17th to 19th century
- approx. 570 historical sheet music prints
- approx. 2,500 personal scripts
- approx. 700 bibles
- approx. 1,000 hymnbooks
- approx. 28,500 school curricula
- modern research literature in the reading room
Service library location catalogue (PDF, 7,6 MB)
Index Books
Brandenburg Cathedral Foundation’s index books seek to archive the region’s history, laying the focus on the systematic reconditioning and analysis of diverse historical sources and materials.
Index book: Brandenburg Knights’ Academy 1704–1957 (PDF, 200 KB)
Who to contact
Dr. Uwe Czubatynski
Konstanze Borowski
Burghof 10
14776 Brandenburg
T: 03381 / 211 22 15