

The Cathedral Foundation Brandenburg
Burghof 10
14776 Brandenburg / Havel

Who to contact:
Dr. Rüdiger Frhr. von Schnurbein (Museumsleiter)
Tel.: 03381/211 22 21
Fax.: 03381/211 22 12

Concept / Design / Development:
cosmoblonde GmbH
Engeldamm 20
10179 Berlin

K. Handwerker, Berlin, in collaboration with Kayvan Rouhani, Berlin

All data and information given on our homepage was researched and verified either by us or by third parties, and serve exclusively to inform visitors to our homepage. Some data may have changed in the meantime. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information supplied and accept no liability whatsoever for any damage resulting from the use of this homepage.

With its verdict of 12 May 1998 (312 O 85/98 – “Liability for Links”) the District Court of Hamburg ruled that an individual or body supplying a link may, where appropriate, assume responsibility for the content of the linked page.

The Court stated that this may only be avoided through an expressed dissociation from the said content.

We have no influence upon any of the content or upon the design of the websites linked on our site. We therefore dissociate ourselves explicitly from all content any page linked on this website.